Computer and phone browser history can be monitored and is impossible to completely clear.
If you are afraid your internet and/or computer usage might be monitored, please use a safer computer/phone, call your Local Hotline at 979-775-5355, or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

Proclamation Reading 2021
Get Involved
Domestic Violence Services
Twin City Mission’s Domestic Violence Program provides services to victims of domestic violence and dating violence in all seven counties of the Brazos Valley: Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Robertson, and Washington. Services are provided at no cost and include shelter, counseling, case management, legal advocacy, safety planning, and career assistance.
Victims and their children in need of emergency shelter are referred to Phoebe’s Home, a component of Twin City Mission’s DVS Program. Founded in 1978, Phoebe’s Home is a 24-hour emergency shelter providing nutritional meals, laundry facilities, daily needs (toiletries, clothing), transportation, and recreational activities for residents.
Victims who are not seeking emergency shelter can receive nonresidential services in their county of residence at no cost.
Join the Mission’s team of volunteers and show compassion, love, and kindness to our neighbors in need.
What is Healthy In a Relationship?
24-Hour Hotline: 979-775-5355
Toll-Free: 888-45-AWAKE (2-9253)
Case Management, Legal Advocacy, Individual Counseling, Support Groups,
Volunteer Services, General Information: 979-775-2255